Thursday, October 27, 2011

Stop blaming Pakistan open your eyes.. see reality

Vicky I think you have only your eye on typical indain media reports..
stack to India only.. But thinking going to be very fast in world map. big power control games radially happening.. It not Pakistan need to us support.. it US who want to be Pakistan play front line state for their war  zone.. starting form 1980 Pakistan fight with Russia in Afghanistan 10 years result very clear that Russia defeated badly and collapse. they except it. then us have chance to invade in Afghanistan. simply it all energy resource battle.. that US gifted India Nuclear plants to keep quite be side from what happening and not go for gas pipeline  for Iran -Pakistan.
that why India cancel the Indian be fooled by give them peace cake.
But us failed and big pressure from back home from us citizen not funding dollars to  Pakistan.actually never u find any development all about part money game to achieve the target by help of Pakistan big fishes.
why us support giving funding to corrupt government planted agents in with in Pakistan.
China and Pakistan not getting closed  .. they  are neighbors  and closed by default since 1960.happy each other always and like not USA who just come in the region for their greater agenda only.
my advice to you watch independent media stories or Your friend Russia today RT CHANNEL.. you will see what happening their
It's  china needs Pakistan for it trade route and energy requirement.
USA needs Pakistan for every thing middle east,central asia  and it's imports strategical position.. 
off course country like Pakistan.. dealing with India ,USSR and now US -NATO needs huge funds for it's military operation requirements.. every thing passing through part of war game since last 30 years from 1980 to till today .. with two big world elephants.. never be fair and legal ways to counts. which country can serve if this happen to them one can ,,Russia step back to finical crisis ,now same mistake by USA result in front of us. I am not supporting any military operation ,should think tanks needs pay attention basic case which disturb world peace by decades like Palestine-Israel issue   and Afghanistan jihad or called by so called terrorism infect it is world spy agencies inventions.
 the route case of Afghanistan and Pakistan gorillas groups was Kashmir later on Arab Islamist gorillas take advantages from Russia war support from US-Pakistan agencies..this is the realty..

need to stop injustice in the world like Kashmir-Palestinians ..recently read a story on BBC 60 thousand grave discovered from Indian control Kashmir. Indian government state terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir..
so india have many issue unsettle just controlled my military invasion.
china have no issue like that they friendly with their neighbors , focus on economy..

My personnel views is that need to stop funding Pakistan because this act helping bad country leadership what i say most corruption ever i seen in this decade.
simple is that Pakistan need to close Afghanistan border.send back huge number of Afghanistan refuges to their home because Pakistan is already poor country but why not Karazi  friend like India offer to accommodate Afghanistan refuges..  Pakistan need to take strating taking tax from Karachi port every goods on name of Afghanistan transit. no more free transit even not for Nato.. Just apply universal rule world trade transit charges. As china already pays transit same for every one..
so far US aid only  30 % and Pakistan lost more than 70 %. even this not covering the cast of support US-ALLY in the region. more than 30 thousand troops last their life's. huge number of innocent civilians too.
If Pakistan not fair with bloody war game than no one can be.. it's all world politics.
   I think i should stop here Thank you