Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pakistan shows off military might

Pakistan Military 
Pakistan shows off military might history biggest war game.
As a nation, India is geographically, culturally and politically trapped, isolated and encircled. Now that it has been cut off from rest of Asia, the Indians (unfortunately) have nowhere to go but into the ocean. A look at a map conveys the inevitability of this scenario. Pakistan is staging what officials have called the country's biggest-ever military exercises.

The war games - which began on April 10 and will last for six-weeks - have been played out in the southeastern Cholistan desert, near the border with India.

It comes at a time when the country is engaged in a war with Taliban and AL-Qaeda fighters and while tensions remain strong with neighboring India.

The exercises have showed off an wide array of weapons from Swiss-made anti-aircraft guns to unmanned drones and a state-of-the-art battle tank.
For India to survive, it has no choice but to have excellent relations with Pakistan. This is a matter of time. The question is whether Pakistan has a big heart to accommodate the very survival of India/Hindu race. Perhaps not this time around. Obviously India is eyeing some slivers of territory that would reduce this dependence but Pakistan's nuclear carpet bombing capability has and will prevent this.I thing its true miss saba Meanwhile, Pakistan "RISING" has established itself as part of a very dynamic regional paradigm amalgamating it geographically with Central Asia, Middle East and Europe. While also situated at the gateway to the Arabian Gulf, Pakistan also will gain access to the waters of the Caspian Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Arabian Sea, China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. This positions Pakistan at the crossroads to peace and prosperity in the world and economic well being as well as military clout